American Culture Podcast is Now Available on iTunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher!
Major announcement!! After slowly building our website and podcast over the past few months, we hit a major milestone today. The American Culture Podcast is now available on Apple’s iTunes and on the Apple Podcasts App, on GooglePlay (for Android users), and on the Stitcher App (an excellent podcast player, and the one I use most). This will greatly increase the visibility of the podcast and make it easier for our listeners to find and enjoy the show on their mobile devices. Here are the details:
Apple users can find our show page in the online iTunes Store at the following link: American Culture Podcast on iTunes . From the iTunes store, the blue “View in iTunes” button will open up our show page inside the iTunes / Apple Podcasts App, and from inside the App you can SUBSCRIBE to our podcast, and also leave a review for the show. I can’t stress enough how important 5-star reviews are to making the podcast easier for potential new listeners to find and therefore growing our audience. If you can support the show with a strong review I will be very grateful.
Android users can now find our show on Google Play at the following link: American Culture Podcast at play.google.com. (Google Play doesn’t provide an effective way to “review” the podcast, so even if you prefer Android for your podcast listening, taking a moment to look us up on iTunes and write a strong review will be greatly appreciated).
Stitcher fans can find the podcast on the Stitcher website at the following link: American Culture Podcast on Stitcher. At the bottom of that web page you will find the link to give us a rating and a review for Stitcher. The show also pops up pretty quickly on the Stitcher mobile app if you search for “American Culture Podcast.”
Update on 3/15/2018:
I just received the notification that the podcast is now available on the TuneIn platform. We can be found on their mobile app via a simple search for “American Culture Podcast”, and we are on the TuneIn.com web platform at the following link: American Culture Podcast at TuneIn.com.
I will be copying the above information to our soon-to-be-created “About” page here on the website, so that it will be preserved for future reference. Other listening platforms (TuneIn, Spotify, Podbean, etc…) will also be added over time, and I’ll update the information on the “About” page as that happens.